Technological devices in treatment of diabetes mellitus



Diabetes mellitus, insulin pump, therapeutics, insulin infusion systems, technological devices


Technological inventions are being used recently to enable the treatment of diabetes mellitus more effective and easier to comply. Insulin pumps, after the implementation of readily available insulin pens, have made the transition to a very important stage in diabetes therapy. Insulin pumps have also enabled the transition from intermittent injection patterns to treatment modalities that provide continuous insulin infusion in diabetic subjects. Remedial studies on the next stage, the artificial pancreas, are still ongoing. Each of these treatments has its own advantages, some difficulties, and safety issues. We aimed to discuss the features of insulin pump devices in present short review.  




How to Cite

Kirac, C. O., & Ipekci, S. (2021). Technological devices in treatment of diabetes mellitus. Journal of Bionic Memory , 1(1), 34–40. Retrieved from